Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Critical Reflection Essay Essay

Upon reflective exploration of my 16 week journey regarding the overall critical reflection of Nursing 5403 also referred to as Organizational Theory or Administration I, I find that I have a more sound and in depth theoretical understanding of key leadership and nursing administrative concepts and processes. This course has increased my knowledge base in regards to organizational design, augmented my awareness of healthcare administrative concepts, and strengthened my understanding of management concepts and processes. This educational experience has revealed imperative and insightful examples and practices used to become a more efficient, effective and formative leader. I have increased my usage of many of these concepts to improve my leadership skills and practice, to â€Å"walk the walk†, in my daily work /life regimen. I will examine, evaluate, and reflect on the core information covered in this course by dividing the methods of delivery into three main presentation categ ories: written, oral, and online. The written presentation format was used to deliver the five discussion board questions and leadership instrument paper results. The discussion board allowed the opportunity to explore management concepts and practices from various perspectives. The leadership instrument paper allowed in depth exploration of variety of traits, theories, and practices important to leaders. I found both of these learning experiences very enlightening and beneficial to my overall managerial acumen. Northhouse (2013), explained on the sixteen types and styles of leadership, which had a major impact on my overall viewpoints regarding humans and management in our administrative worlds today. I was able to identify and relate the diverse leadership styles and types in a positive way and glean insightful understanding of different people and their leadership potential. The discussion board gave me free range to strengthen my self-expressive abilities and interact with my peers. The leadership instrument pape r allowed for self-analysis with specific references to key leadership ideals and concepts. I feel both assignments gave me insight into my leadership strengths, weaknesses, foci, and desires which will in turn assist me in  becoming a successful consistent leader. Oral presentations were used by both the students and the professor to teach assigned lessons. The dyad presentations were completed within the professor assigned groups. The organizational culture assignment was individually completed by each student. Dr. Junious, our professor, presented multiple management and leadership topics during the 16-week timeframe of our course work. The dyad group assignments allowed the students to work as a team, increase/ improve communication skills, and strengthen public speaking skills. The organizational culture assignment enriched my understanding of my department’s culture and fostered a new understanding and more tolerable acceptance of the different personalities which shapes my department and company. The professor guided topics allowed me to glean current knowledge on trends in nursing leadership and introduced new variables regarding emotional intelligence. One of the crucial components from our main source, Roussell (2013) which I have used on a consistent basis are the power listing tools known as, â€Å"AMPP†, which stands for: ask, mirror, paraphrase, and prime. Consistent usage of these tools has empowered my ability to extract important information in a judicious manner, which has resulted in workflow improvement and increased productivity in my current position. The online method was used to complete our online certificate training for the Institute of Healthcare Improvement (IHI) leadership and quality courses. Both of these certificate online courses were very informative and educational. I gained excellent training from these online courses. The information presented in this online self-study gave illuminating examples, and reinforced positive and evidence based methods of leadership and analytical procedures. My goal is to complete at least eight of the other courses listed on this website to strengthen my inner self to produce stronger leadership abilities and increase process awareness. Overall, the knowledge, skills, and experience gleaned from my enrollment and participation in this class has enhanced my understanding of organizational processes and essential, effective leadership traits. I truly enjoyed my time in this course, it was interesting and informative.  The educational experience has stimulated and supported both professional and personal growth in my life. The traits and theoretical evidence based practices illustrated within our resources reinforced my thoughts that great leaders are formed and not born. References Northhouse, P. G. (2013). Leadership Theory and Practice. Thousand Oaks: Sage. Roussel, L. (2013). Management and Leadership for Nurse Administrators. Burlington: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

John Stuart Mill and Jeremy Bentham

The idea of utilitarianism has been advocated by John Stuart Mill and Jeremy Bentham. Both thinkers base their theories of morality upon the Greatest Happiness Principle, or the principle of Utility. This principle is one that views actions as right and moral to the extent that they promote pleasure and exclude pain. It sees rightness and wrongness as existing on a continuum, upon which neither is necessarily exclusive of the other.Therefore, society’s maximization of utility consists in the achievement of the highest possible concentration of pleasure while minimizing the amount of pain deriving from any action or law. Jeremy Bentham described the total pleasure to be derived from an action as something that could be computed through tallying its intensity, duration, and the speed with which the pleasure occurs after the act is performed. This computation would also include the likelihood of the pleasure to avoid harm or pain.Bentham also advocated a principle of utility that presents a balance between self interest (or enlightened self interest) and altruism. In contrast to this, John Stuart Mill’s theory of utilitarianism introduced methods that would make altruism more likely to produce the greatest good than Bentham’s self-interested utilitarianism. As demonstrated earlier, Mill’s own version of utilitarianism is very similar to that of Jeremy Bentham. Yet, it does offer some very significant differences. One of the problems that utilitarianism faces is based on one of its minor premises.While it might be possible to agree that actions should be performed based on their ability to secure the greatest happiness for the largest number of people, uncertainty often arises when one attempts to locate the action that actually contains this merit. This is where Mill’s principle of utility deviates from Bentham’s. While Bentham, as stated above, advocated the idea of the quantification of happiness, Mill’s theory op erates under the explicit assumption that quantification of pleasures is not always possible.According to Mill, the differences between some pleasures are differences in kind and not of degree. Therefore, in several cases, qualitative (as opposed to quantitative) judgments have to be made between and among different pleasures. In such cases, Mill argues that only a person familiar with both types of pleasures would be qualified to pass judgment and declare one of higher value than another. This deviation from Bentham’s basic theory of utilitarianism allows Mill further leeway to introduce a major difference between the base pleasures of the body and the higher intellectual pleasures of the mind.These intellectual pleasures are ones that will allow for an altruistic type of utilitarianism. This type of utilitarianism has the ability to sacrifice the pleasure of the primary individual, when it has been determined that the sacrifice will lead to pleasure for a larger group of pe rsons. In slight contrast to this, Bentham’s utilitarianism espouses the theory of enlightened self interest, which places the primary individual on the same level as all other individuals.While Bentham’s theory is not a completely self-interested theory, the theory of utility proposed by Mill gives the individual more freedom and opportunity to make choices that are of benefit to others rather than himself. Primarily, Mill distinguishes between the types of behaviors that would promote such actions and actually gives more weight to the type of intellectual pleasure that may be derived from them. Therefore, the total happiness gained from self-sacrifice according to Bentham would amount to the aggregation of the bodily pleasures given to others by the primary person’s sacrifice.According to Mill, however, the pleasure gained from that scenario would be even greater than computed by Bentham, as it would also consist of the greater intellectual pleasure gained by the person who acts sacrificially. It can therefore be concluded that Mill’s version of utilitarianism presents altruism as a method of accruing more happiness than that presented by Bentham’s version—which advocates enlightened self interest. Reference Author’s Last Name. First Initial. (Year of publication). Morality and the human predicament. City of Publication: Publisher.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Paul’s Rhetoric at Mars Hill

Verses 16 and 17 of the passage that the speaker here is the Apostle Paul. He had been caught in this rhetoric with some Jews and devout persons whose background the Bible is silent and provides no elaboration [Verse 17]. According to Verse 18, there were also some Epicurean and Stoic philosophers. While the Jews follow Judaism as their religion and uphold belief in a coming Messiah, their religion traditionally emphasizes ethical conduct and the treatment of others as one would for one's self.Jewish law is based on the Torah, which essentially s the Five Books of Moses. On the contrary, the Epicureans were rivaled by the Stoics. The Stoics upheld a philosophy that life was about living in harmony with Nature. They encouraged self- control and saw courage as a means of monopolizing harmful emotions. Again, while the Jewish religion has thrived over the years, the Epicurean and Stoic philosophies faded out around the Third Century. It was wealth these deleting religious and philosophi cal backgrounds that the Apostle Paul had to address his audiences.Theirs was both a religious and heathen culture which one could identify more as a Gentile environment that knew nothing about the new faith the Apostle was trying to portray. Hence, his attempt to present what he believed in was met with hostility. To them it was a new teaching that they considered strange ideas as stated in Verse 18. It is obvious that, although a heathen society, it was equally religious as would be found in every human society. They knew about gods. In Verse 18, it is reported that, some of the people confronting the Apostle said that he seemed to be advocating foreign gods.Paul was definitely aware of their false religious beliefs. He capitalized on this when he addressed them. For when he was brought before the Reappears he told the people of Athens that he could see that they were very religious. He mentioned in Verses 23, 24 that as he walked around and looked carefully at their objects of wo rship, he even found an altar with the inscription. That to the Apostle meant that they were not ignorant of the very things they worshipped. Cleverly, he informed them that it was exactly what he was going to proclaim to them.Having opened up like this, it was apparent that the Apostle caught their attention and then charged on with his presentation of the Gospel. Essentially, the Apostle wanted to let them know that there was no hope of salvation for them In the gods In whom they had chosen to put their trust. Those were Just false gods that had no power to deliver them. In the end, the Apostle's persuasion became followers of Paul and believed. Among them was Dionysus, a member of the Reappears, also a woman named Dammars, and a number of others.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Company Analysis - Methanol Chemicals Company PLC Research Paper

Company Analysis - Methanol Chemicals Company PLC - Research Paper Example In general, the company is engaged mainly in the manufacture of methanol of premium grade like formaldehyde. The company has earned a reputation of being a world class company. It has also earned a reputation as dependable and a quality manufacturer that possess very sophisticated logistical support and marketing system. The company is committed to advance in its leading position in the manufacture of chemicals by the way it undertakes its investments and this will be achieved by intensified research and development and with the production of tailor made products which will be made to meet the specific needs of the customers. To remain competitive in the market, the company also plans to increase its methanol capacity to the production capacity of231,000 tons a year. Industry overview and competitive positioning Methanol Chemicals Company PLC operates in a manufacturing industry where it manufactures agricultural fertilizers, solvents, pharmaceuticals, laminates for the wood industry and various types of concrete admixtures. The company offers diversified products with 26 different products in more than 50 countries across the globe, which provides profitability and flexibility for the company. The company has performed well financially in the past years and this is provided by the sustained economic growth and profitable operations which have been experienced in the company. The company operates in a very competitive environment but it has been able to gain competitive advantage over all its competitors, making it a global leader in the industry. The existing economic environment had a huge impact on the performance of the industry. That is, the existing economic growth in Saudi Arabia has led to an increase in the company performance with high profits resulting from increased economies of scale. Investment summary The performance of the company has been increasing in terms of investment for the last five years. This is given by the increase in the amount of s hareholder value in the five year period. The company seems to have acquired investor confidence and this has made the company to be in a position of trading 2,116,530 shares in the last three months which were trading at a price of 2.43 per share. The company has also recorded an increase in shareholders’ equity, the share capital, share premium, statutory reserve and retained earnings for the last five years – a clear indication that the company has had high investor confidence which has made the investors heavily invest in the company (Brown and Reilly, 2012). Valuation The company uses market value as its valuation technique. This method is applicable for quoted companies only and is determined by multiplying the quoted share prices and the number of issued shares. This valuation method takes into consideration the perception of the investors on the performance of the company and the capabilities of the management in delivering a return on their investments. For ex ample, the market value of the company by the end of the first quarter of 2012 was 66,380,450 with a market capitalization of 2,116,530 – a clear indication that the company was performing better in the market (Pendlebury and Roger, 2004). Financial analysis There have been fluctuations of the performance of the company during the last five years. This is indicated by the fluctuations in the company’s current ratio, profit margin, solvency ratio, price earning ratio, return on assets and

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Portable Saw Mill Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Portable Saw Mill Industry - Essay Example Most of the times, there are a number of external factors that influence and affect Edward Perry ´s decisions. Such factors could be economic growth of the country, interest or lending rates, political policies, social, cultural and environmental factors affecting timber market. If these factors are not considered by Mr. Perry, he is more likely to miscalculate his profitability in the Portable Saw mill industry. Some of the benefits of conducting an external analysis are: 1. Assessment of structural limitations or opportunities in the market: For example, if you know that there is a public policy that is aiming to reduce overall consumption of timber; Mr. Edward Perry would look into ways to lobby or work around the policy to minimize the impact on his business. An external analysis hence provides important information that strategic managers use in planning, decision-making, and strategy formulation. 2. Long-term market growth: External analysis help you understand the long-term growth prospects of the market by looking at the economic outlook of world, region or country and demographic changes in the country. It gives an idea of what are the driving forces behind the sales trends if the number of target customers is growing or not etc.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Sales Management Plan - IT company - Background and headings provided Term Paper

Sales Management Plan - IT company - Background and headings provided - WRITE ONLY HEADINGS 7,8,9 - Term Paper Example The sales force that is highly motivated will have more sales. The sales force is also critical in the company’s profitability as it increases sales, maintain prices and control the expenses. Secondly, it is possible to measure and compare the output of an individual. Costs, sales and other result oriented metrics can be tracked by the company. The results of the territory can be benchmarked against the previous year, territory goal, and market potential. The company can; therefore determine the salesperson that is performing better. Also, the job of the sales person involves rejection and lack supportive social interaction. Most of their jobs are unsupervised. Therefore, an incentive payout is a reward and a measure for the success of the salesperson as this job attracts risk takers who require relent incentives for a high level of performance (Andris A. et al. 2001). Incentive plans have impacts that are immediate on the sales force which is felt in either of two ways includ ing it influences the kind of person that is attracted to the organization and also affect the behavior and activities of the salespersons. The compensation framework for a sales incentive has three constituents. First, company that decides on the compensation plan the sales force, which decides on, the compensation plan and the customer who decides whether to take on the products or services of the company. Customer results may include the satisfaction they get from the products and services and also the relationship with the company’s selling organization (Andris et al. 2001). Staffing Recruiting involves finding quality people who can see things through the eyes of the customer and then interface with the people of marketing. To maintain its relevance, it is also important to ensure that the recruited personnel are maintained. There are several skills that may lead to success in sales. These include innate desire to serve, integrity, willingness to listen, strong work ethi c, effective communication skills and ability to put others at ease. The role of the hiring process will involve the location of individuals with core characteristics and the values that lead to sales success. There are six steps important in the hiring process: First is the job definition where the job requirements are developed. Companies have different requirements depending on the industry they are in. these requirements change over time and, therefore, need to reevaluate them and the activity priorities as the market conditions and competition changes (Andris et al. 2001) The second is the candidate profile which should be checked for successful traits of a sales person. A candidate may not have all the required traits, but others are essential and should be present. These include the ability to communicate effectively and a certain level of competence. The third is the applicant pool which determines the quality of the candidate. Recruitment is more successful when the reliabl e information about a candidate is known by the recruiter. The sources of applicants involve Fairs, Web (I.E. Career Builder) and Connect with Career services at Universities. The staff can be recruited either internally or externally. Internal recruiting develops a pool of job applicants that are qualified form the people who are working in the company. This is sometimes referred to as promotion as it is used to motivate employees. This also reduces the start

Friday, July 26, 2019

All about Jupiter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

All about Jupiter - Essay Example The most accepted theory is that ice and other solid material combined to form its core. The core increased in size as it attracted other material from other sections of the Solar System resulting in an increased gravitational pull. â€Å"Eventually the core’s gravitational pull became strong enough to capture hydrogen and helium, which were abundant in the solar nebula.† (â€Å"Jupiter†, p. 200) That is why Jupiter consists primarily of hydrogen and helium. Jupiter rotates very quickly for a planet of its size, with a period of ten hours; it revolves around the sun once every eleven years. Like the other planets Jupiter orbits around the sun in an elliptical orbit. (â€Å"Jupiter†) It is approximately 480 million miles from the sun. (Simon) Jupiter is often seen high in the sky, and some its surface features such as its satellites can be seen with a telescope. â€Å"From our planet Jupiter looks like a bright star in the night sky.† (Simon, Introdu ction) It is one of the most luminous objects in the sky next to the Sun, the moon and Venus. Jupiter is considered one of the â€Å"gas planets† because its atmosphere is composed primarily of gas. It is two and a half times the mass of all the other planets in the Solar System combined. Jupiter is one of the Jovian (outer) planets; the other Jovian planets are Saturn Uranus and Neptune. There is no solid surface on Jupiter. Jupiter is composed primarily of hydrogen and helium. It is similar in composition to the Sun. In 2008, scientists were able to define the surface of Jupiter. â€Å"The surface of the planet is defined as the point where the pressure of the atmosphere is 1 bar, which is equal to the atmospheric pressure at Earth’s surface.† (Coffey, â€Å"Surface† n.pag) The pressure and temperature increase deep in its atmosphere, resulting in hydrogen being compressed into a liquid. Partially beneath its surface, the hydrogen hardens and becomes ca pable of conducting electricity. In this metallic layer, electrical currents resulting from the rapid rotation of Jupiter produces its immense magnetic field. In the middle of the planet its enormous pressure may support a solid core of rock that is approximately the size of Earth. Jupiter's upper atmosphere consists largely of hydrogen and a lesser percentage of helium. The interior of the planet is approximately 71% hydrogen, 24% helium and contains minimal amounts of other elements. The atmosphere also includes hints of methane, water vapor, ammonia, and silicon-based compounds. There are also traces of carbon, ethane, hydrogen sulfide, neon, oxygen, phosphate, and sulfur. The outermost layer of the atmosphere contains crystals of frozen ammonia. (â€Å"Jupiter† Wikipedia) The temperature on the surface is about -235 degrees F (-150 C). The temperature on Jupiter increases to about 70 degrees Fahrenheit deeper within its atmosphere. The winds continue to blow at approximat ely 450mph. (Holladay). The atmosphere in Jupiter increases in thickness until it reaches the ocean. The magnetic field in Jupiter is tremendous. Jupiter has the strongest magnetic field of all the planets. Millions of charged particles are confined to Jupiter’s magnetosphere: â€Å"the area in which magnetic field lines encircle the planet from pole to pole.† (â€Å"Jovian Giant†, para.3) Its rings and moons are entrenched in a radiation belt

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Negotiation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Negotiation - Essay Example Additionally, the discussion would incorporate revealing the most essential lessons that can be learned from the Stitt Feld Handy negotiation simulations and designing an effective negotiation skill for future implementation. Integrated Discussion Prior Understanding and Experience of Negotiation According to my perception and practical experience, negotiation is often observed as an effectual tool especially when there lay any sort of conflict or disagreement amid the parties regarding any issue or event. It can often be termed as a significant aspect which may act in different ways such as in a descriptive, narrative or in a prescriptive manner (Babcock & Lascheve, 2008). In general, the basic negotiation approach can be characterized into various types such as structural, strategic, behavioral, concession exchange and integrative negotiation approach (Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, 2008). With regard to my personal experience, the primary objectives of a ny negotiation process generally comprise substance goals as well as relationship goals. In relation to the substance goals, the outcomes are generally identified in accordance with solving various issues or complexities. It is worth to mention that the prime intention of an effective negotiation process significantly involves three major attributes such as quality, harmony as well as efficiency that enable both the parties to supportively act with each other to mutually accomplish their respective interests. Therefore, my feeling towards the concept of negotiation is that the process is nothing but a decisive tool which can be implemented to address different sorts of conflicts or disputes that takes place amid the parties (McCuddy, n.d.). In accordance with my own experience, I had participated in negotiating few numbers of conflicts wherein the parties possesses dissimilar preferences and interests. In this regard, one of my experiences which dealt with resolving the conflict bet ween the managers and the team members of a particular organization can be taken into concern. The conflict mainly emerged due to the happening of an accident in the production unit resulting in a labor to be physically harmed. In response, the management of the organization charged a certain amount of money to the labor because of the damage to certain valuable production related materials or components. This eventually raised the conflict between the labors and the management team of the organization by a greater degree. In this scenario, I have been witnessed to visualize an effective form of negotiation process wherein the managers and the team members of the organization are mutually agreed upon to adopt a beneficial decision. The decision has been made through balancing the interests of both the parties. My response towards this particular negotiation was to identify the actual cause which led to the conduct of such unforeseen accident. In this regard, I pointed out that the i neffective training provided by the management to its laborers ultimately caused the accident. Therefore, the negotiation procedure aimed at mutually mitigating the raised conflict between the management and the laborers through compromising their respective

An Act of Discrimination and Hatred Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

An Act of Discrimination and Hatred - Essay Example This means that a Muslim will be looked at suspiciously because of the stereotypes surrounding religion and extremism. This means that an immigrant will be treated as a second-class citizen because of their choice to move out of their home country. This also means that many such immigrants and Muslims will be denied jobs, housing, or healthcare services because of their identity as a Muslim or an immigrant. Racism is being differentiated in order to treat a particular religious or ethnic group in a way that is condescending and unfair. It is being discriminated based on perceived sentiments of superiority and bias. Racism is prejudice. It is hatred towards a particular religious or racial group. It is the biased and unfair treatment of an individual based on a preconceived opinion regarding a specific race. Racism means a denial of a human’s fundamental rights. It is hatred towards other people because they are different. It is prejudice manifested in the form of crimes and violence perpetrated against people of different cultures and racial backgrounds. It is the denial of one’s human rights and is a malpractice against another human. Racism is, therefore, an antithesis of humanity and mankind. Racism is intolerance. Racism is the manifestation of intolerance and bigotry. Racism dismisses any phenomena that are different and results in hatred and discrimination towards people of other races. This is true for immigrants coming from underdeveloped countries as well as Muslims from around the world. Intolerance usually correlates to stereotypes that are associated with a certain community. Racism is a result of narrow-mindedness when it comes to appreciating diversity and variation. Racism often results in violence and maltreatment of people because of the racial differences. Racism causes harm to many people psychologically, physically, and mentally.  

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Article Religious Groups and Work Values Essay

The Article Religious Groups and Work Values - Essay Example This follows the fact that an employee will feel more motivated to work if the employer identifies with his religion and understands it to the extent of knowing what is allowed, and what is illegal. This is, addition to the surrounding people, for a company, is not only built by the staff but also the community in which is located. Therefore, a company is more likely to be successful by respecting its religion, and religion can only be respected if the employees together with the employers know the pros and cons of the religion. The authors go about this by focusing on the major religions of the world to determine how these specific groups affect the work values. This is after many pieces of research carried out indicating a significant contribution of religion to work values. The authors assert that the importance of this recognition is being influenced by globalization that is on a rapid increase. Therefore, the importance of religion comes in when multinationals want to venture into places that are distant (Parboteeah 58). This means that the places are of different geographical positions as well as cultural differences in terms of core values of the communities, and the religion they hold close to the heart. They also acknowledge the need for understanding this link of religion to work values because the technology has led into a globalised village where different people of different religions search for jobs anywhere that fit their specifications. The authors assert that there are two work values that a re affected by religion, and these are extrinsic and intrinsic values. Therefore given the fact that these values are socially expressed these work values can, thus, be derived from motivation (Parboteeah 55).  The authors, therefore, determine this relationship by relating the religion to principles that enable the living of people which is directly connected to the foundations of human society.  

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

New Product Entry into U.S. Market Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

New Product Entry into U.S. Market - Term Paper Example In the present study, the marketing environment of the target companies will be studied and their situation will be analyzed. Proper strategies will be made for entry into the target market. Situation Analysis Steel cables are generally two or more cable wires bonded with each other in symmetry. They are used for various purposes such as towing, lifting or conveying etc. Steel wire cables are used in almost all big electrical and outdoor equipments such as elevators, escalators, big machines for holding equipments etc. It can be easily said that these steel cables are one of the building blocks of the outdoor electronic equipments like elevators and other construction equipments. In the present situation analysis, three companies will be selected who are the largest manufacturers of elevators and similar electronic equipments in US. The selection will be based on size of the company, number of employees, sales figures, location and distribution, major products manufactured and the pu rchasing process. 1. Dover Corporation The first company selected is Dover Elevator Systems Inc., USA, which is an arm of Dover Corporation. Dover is known as the largest manufacturer of elevators in US. The other operating divisions of the corporation are communications, vapor recovery, electronics etc. The elevators manufactured by Dover are mainly used by hotels, apartments, department stores, hospitals, factories, railway stations, medium high rise developments such as office, low cost flats etc (Dover Corporation, 2012). Dover follows a normal purchasing request which is demand –supply process. Demand is estimated according to pre-production analysis and supply process is initiated in cycles. Geographic markets- apart from United States, Dover has its operations in many countries such as Mexico, Malaysia, and Australia etc. Apart from distributing as a wholly owned brand, Dover has its distribution in many countries as third party distributors, franchisee and tie-ups. Do ver elevators are distributed in all major countries of Europe, Asia and majority of UK. Distributors- Dover operates through both independent and local distributors. One unique strategy which Dover applied was that both their names as well as the local distributor’s name were engraved in the installed equipment. This helped the organization to gain a local advantage. The presence of national distributions helps the company in reaching a wide geographic distribution over the country. 2. Otis Elevator Company Otis Elevator Company is considered as one of the biggest manufacturer of vertical transport system. The company is headquartered in Farmington, Connecticut, USA. Major manufacturing factories are established in America, Asia and Europe and it has distribution in more than 200 countries. The company also owns two testing towers, one situated at its headquarters and another in Japan (Otis Elevator Company, 2013). The company specializes in elevators, escalators and moving walkways. Apart from this, the company is also engaged in providing elevator solutions and immediate services to any issues regarding safety and communication. Distribution- the distribution occurs through many sales channels. The

Monday, July 22, 2019

Whole Foods †Strategic Plan Essay Example for Free

Whole Foods – Strategic Plan Essay Whole Foods Market, Inc. which is headquartered in Austin, Texas, is an American foods supermarket chain it was founded by John Mackey who currently serves as the CEO of Whole Foods. To sum up their mission and vision statement, Whole foods as a company strives to help out in promoting positive health and well-being of people, this includes team-members, customers and the whole planet in general. Some of their core values include: Selling the highest quality natural and organic products available Satisfying, delighting and nourishing our customers Supporting Team Member happiness and excellence Creating wealth through profits and growth Serving and supporting our local and global communities Whole foods market is known for being a supermarket chain that strictly prides itself in being the largest natural and organic foods supermarket chain. In addition to that Whole Foods is regarded as Americas first national certified organic grocer. Whole Foods Market now owns and operates 335 retail stores, of which 322 stores are located in the US and the District of Columbia, seven in Canada, and six in the UK. (Our Values and Mission, 2014). Whole Foods competitive advantage is its broad product offerings; it offers broad selection of perishable foods which is designed to appeal to both natural foods and gourmet shoppers. In addition to that the company prides itself in offering a wide variety range of products that include a range of produce, seafood, grocery, meat and poultry, bakery, prepared foods and catering, specialty (beer, wine and cheese), coffee and tea, nutritional supplements, vitamins, body care, educational products such as books, floral items, pet products and household products. Whole Foods ability to be able to offer these range of products at all its locations has enabled the company to continue to stay competitive and maintain a  significant advantage over its competitors. In addition to Whole Foods Markets ability to continue to stay forerunner in the natural and organic grocer business, the company has also made remarkable contributions to its employees and the community. In 2009 the company received the Natural Products Associations ‘2009 Socially Responsible Retailer Award’, after which in 2010 Fortune magazine ranked Whole Foods Market at number 18 on its list of the ‘100 Best Companies to Work For.’ During the same period, the company was recognized on the Ethisphere Institutes 2010 ‘Worlds Most Ethical Companies’ list. The International Association of Culinary Professionals named the company as ‘Culinary Youth Advocate of the Year’ for its effort to help improve school lunches for children nationwide with its ‘School Lunch Revolution’ campaign. The contributions discussed above has enabled the company to maintain a positive image in the community and more importantly among its own employees, I believe that these various contributions has enabled Whole Foods to remain a forerunner among its competitors. (Whole Foods, n.d). SWOT ANALYSIS Strength: Brand Recognition: This company is well known in the United States, As a result of which, anytime a whole-foods plans on opening up at a particular location, they will almost immediately start to develop a customer base. Unique Category: While organic food is creating quite a buzz worldwide, it still is fairly a new entrant in the produce world; and whole foods continues to be one of the only store that sells all organic products under one roof. Weaknesses: Lacks Global Integration: Whole-foods does well in the US, however, even though it has managed to open up a few stores in UK and Canada, it is still not as well-known elsewhere around the world. Organic Food : Even though organic food is beginning to gain popularity, I find that this is still a weakness for wholefoods, they only sell organic food items at their store, and not to mention organic food is usually more expensive than regular food we would get at the grocery store. Opportunities: International Market: Whole Foods is only in 2 other countries, UK and Canada. They always have the option of looking into some of the world’s faster growing markets or even the fact that they could look into expanding throughout UK and Canada. IT Influence: Competitors of Whole Foods and even some other grocery have been striving for various ways to enrich the customer experience at their stores, one such way, is the introduction of â€Å"self-checkouts†, which enables the customer to spend less time waiting in line for a cashier. This is an area, where whole foods could look to capture the opportunity and excel in. Threats: Competitors: The list of competitors for Whole Foods keeps on increasing, most grocery stores are starting to introduce a section of organic/healthy foods section at their store, as a result of which this could begin to influence Whole Foods customer base. Gas Prices: When gas prices rise, the cost of shipping food rises, and when the cost of shipping the food rises, so does Whole Foods’s operating costs. (Whole Foods, 2014). Implementation of IT into the Whole Foods Business As discussed above with the SWOT Analysis of the company, Whole Foods certainly is a very financially sound and a major player in the organic food industry, however, it is important for Whole Foods, to continue striving upon increasing/ bettering the customer experience at all of its stores. Whole Foods, has a strong customer base, however, we need to make sure that they continue to retain the customers and take measures to grow its customer’s base. There are at least a couple IT implementations that could be integrated with our current business model, to increase Whole Food’s Customer Experience. Rewards Program: Most of Whole Foods customers currently have some type of rewards program for its customer. Consequently, if Whole Foods were to introduce this Whole Foods customers will be able to earn points that can be redeemed for discounts and store experiences, such as cooking classes, tickets to locally held Organic Trade Shows etc. (Turner, 2014). Self- Checkout Counters: Most grocery/retailers have started to have self- checkout registers, this would decrease customer wait time, and thereby, enhance the customer experience at the store. Furthermore, other advantages of self-checkout include, it takes up less  space, it is estimated that up to six self-checkout kiosks, can take up to the same amount of space a single traditional checkout with a cashier would take. (BusinessBee, n.d.) IT’s assistance would be needed to implement the rewards program, we would first need to create a way that customers could access the Whole Foods Rewards Card using a mobile/tablet app, a physical card ( with barcode) and on the website. Customers could earn points/ coupons, for every dollar spent at Whole Foods, you would earn 1 â€Å"Organic Point†, after you have accumulated a certain number of â€Å"Organic Points†, it could be redeemed for various different things at the store, some of which include, tickets to Whole Fo ods Quarterly Organic Trade Shows, Cooking classes, Discounts/coupons at the store etc. Whole Foods as a company continues to excel, although we need to ensure that we as a company are staying ahead of our times and continuing to keep our focus on enriching our customer’s experience when they visit their local Whole Food’s store. References BusinessBee-The Pros and Cons of Using Self-Checkouts (n.d.). Retrieved September 20, 2014. Company Info. (2014). Retrieved from Our Values and Mission. (2014). Retrieved from -values-and-mission Turner, N. (2014, September 15). Whole Foods to Test Rewards Program as Competition Grows. Retrieved September 20, 2014. Whole Foods Market: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats. (n.d.). Retrieved September 20, 2014.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Role of International Institutions: Effects of Globalisation

Role of International Institutions: Effects of Globalisation Introduction Different theories and scholars exist in the literature regarding different â€Å"globalisation† definitions.While BBCNews (2015) indicated that globalisation is the process by which the world is turning out to be gradually interconnected as a consequence of vastly expanded exchange and social trade, which expanded the generation of the production of goods and services. Besides, according to Baylis et al (2014: P.19) argued that†globalisation denotes the growing extensity, intensity, velocity, and deepening impact of world interconnectedness†, which stands for four characteristics of today globalisation. In another words, globalisation links the world and relate activities together on a global scope. This literature review aims at exploring role of international institution in relations with four features above of globalisation. It also evaluates the link between IPE theories and characteristics of globalisation. Finally, the relationship between globalisation and poverty and inequality will be assessed. II. Literature review According to Krieger (2001:p 325) extends our knowledge of four characteristics of today globalisation, which is explained below such as : â€Å"Extensity: the stretching of social, political and economic activities across political frontiers, regions and continents† ( Krieger (2001:p 325). Intensity: the â€Å"growing magnitude and concentration of interconnectedness and flows of trade, investment, finance, migration, culture, etc† ( Krieger (2001:p 325) Velocity: â€Å"speeding up of global interactions and processes, as the evolution of world-wide systems of transport and communication increases the velocity of the diffusion of ideas, goods, information, capital, and people† ( Krieger (2001:p 325). Deepening impact: â€Å"the effects of distant events can be highly significant elsewhere and even the most local developments may come to have enormous global consequences. In this sense, the boundaries between domestic matters and global affairs can become increasingly blurred.† ( Krieger (2001:p 325) The role of international institutions in the effects of globalisation Globalization catches components of a broad observation that there is an expanding, extending and accelerating of overall interconnectedness in all parts of life, from the social to the criminal, the monetary to the natural. At issue has all the earmarks of being a worldwide changing; that is, a world being formed, by monetary and innovative powers, into a common financial and political enclosure (, 1999). The one obvious effect of globalisation is to transform the world order from a state-centric geopolitics to a global politics. There is no clear departure between domestic and foreign governing; instead a hiding border is appearing in all aspects of human activities. The states are increasingly embedded in setting and covering of the World Wide Web (Baylis et al, 2011: p25). Obviously, international institutions appear and reinforce that transformation by executing the global policies and developing the four characteristics of globalisation such as growing extensity, intensity, velocity and deepending impact of worldwide interconnectedness. However, whether this strengthening is positive or negative is still controversial and highly depend on the nature and situation of the aspects it influences. As a result, the point of international organizations (IO) is to help manage the process integrating the developing economies into the world economy, however they have done more harm than good, leading to widened income difference and developing countries’ dependence on the industrialized. On the one hand, IO’s has a positive contribution in globalisation, which is indicated by many researches. Firstly, according to Milner el al (2005) stated thatIO make the application of force and power by states to achieve their objectives less likely; instead states are required to follow the rules, norms .One interesting finding isIO also supports society to harness power of the most powerful states (Ikenberry, 2001). It is such a crucial role in a world faced with heightened challenges of global governance. However, the developing countries have not gained much from trade roundsbut IMF/WTO make a contribution on tacit supporting of developed countries by giving them votes( Milner el al , 2005: p 838) . And make sure that all of voting actions should be fair- play negotiation in both developing countries and developed countries. Secondly, IO alsoprovides us the information and lowering transaction costs (Coleman Porter, 1999). IO facilitatesmutual cooperation in an anarchic world, reduce uncertainty by observing states’ behaviors, allow distributed enforcement through tradeoff strategies. Unfortunately, IMF/WB policiesadvices generally have been unhelpful because they failed to take into account conditions of developing countries. For example, there are some tradesrules are using toengage people in unfair agreements. In order to recover this issue, it needs to supply the requirement of technical info and expert knowledge in obstacle for more active participation, which is based on existing institutional arrangements. Thirdly, international institutions facilitate tradeoff strategies among countries in an anarchic environment (Milner el al, 2005: 840). Especially, IO aims at exchangereliable and practical.Although, developed countries used GATT/WTO to enforce tradeoff strategies and lower trade barriers, which could helpthese bigcountries can achieve more efficient and cooperative out-comes.For example, The United States, Euro-pean Union and Japan have applied the GATT/WTO toenforce tradeoff strategies andworse their trade barriers. But trade preferential access harms small developing countries, does not provide growth in the long run.Because, according to theories about the value of reciprocity in is that â€Å"Countries with small markets are just not attractive enough for larger trading partners to engage in meaningful tradeoff negotiations† (AadityaSubramanian, 2004). Finally, IO alsofacilitates reform in domestic politics for everlasting by IO rules can help domestic managers to activate interest parties to balance othergroups’ impressive and thus present different approaches than something else. However, the poorest countries have not used WTO to make commitments (Milner el al, 2005: 841). Thus, they ought to give themselves a large adaptability of flexibility to turn around their exchange strategies. On the other hand, IO has caused bad affect into society such as: Due to tech innovation, IO reduced communication between countries in the world and raised the transportation costs. And the policies also are changed that leads to differences in standards may reflect different conditions or preferences inside of countrystates which more than justify different, even higher standards. As a result developing countries have been more uncovered to world economy. In short, IO roles have not only grown balance, but also causeproblem (Coglianese, 2000). IPE theories’ explanation of increasing interconnectedness Neoclassical or economic liberalism have a long standing traditional in world politics. People are Liberalism characteristic is â€Å"perfectible†, that democracy is needed for that compeletely to improve and they they believe that â€Å"the war is being natural condition of world politics† (Baylis et el, 201: p4). By another words, it means the realisation of a global competitive marketplace, or rather argues that the understanding of such an economy is unavoidable, and that its emergence is now apparent( Berry.C, 2008). But this process is not necessarily simplistic view of the economic processes associated with globalisation. Although, this theory also brings a belief in the efficiency and freedom-enhancing properties of the market economy, private property, the ultimate sovereignty of the individual, and the rule of law, but only through the concept of â€Å"minimal state†, with the laissez-faire principle, i.e. with its singular role to maintain and warrant â€Å"fair† relations on the free market. Financial aspects, as brought about by neoclassical economic theory, is still the focal main force of globalization, however neoclassical globalization hypothesis contends, that elements, for example, corporate association and innovative advancement help to give contemporary business sector relations their particularly worldwide character ( Berry,2008). With regarding the multilateral institutions, agencies such as the IMF, the WTO and the. OECD have continually linked globalizationwithliberalization. Globalization has promoted non-national, i.e. supra-national institutions and communities with trans-border mutual relations. Globality has transcended area and upset state sovereignty. Forces of globalization have undermined the democratic capacities of national governments. States cannot tame the tyranny of global corporations. Global financial markets, too, have often forced the possibilities for democratization (Kukoc. M, 20019 Marxism: Marxists generally relate agency only to given material interests. Ideas are seen as either functional of those interests or, for some theorists, devices employed in service of those interests (Berry,2008). Moreover, it seems that with the apparent advent of globalisation, Marxists can confidently proclaim the victory of the structural forces of entrepreneurship over the potential mediatory power of states. A global class choice which incorporates the (neoliberal) leaders of nation-states, institutions of ‘global governance’ and TNCs, and which acts to reproduce and establish the global capitalist system, is theorized. In combining with the emergence of global class elite, the emergence of a global public is expected; resistance to global capitalism is often interpreted as signalling the growing relevance or power of the global public. Neoliberal institutionalism: mains technique of globalisation conditions that present quickening reliance and its effect on how states see their hobbies (Keohane, 2002). In a state of complex relationship, states will perceive a shared interest for collaboration . This approach perceive the same helplessness and affectability of association that realists do ( Kay, 2014). . However, rather than seeing globalization as education conflict, neoliberal scholars see states as having an interest in cooperation. In perceiving a state-based enthusiasm for all in all dealing with a globalized world, states try to decrease coordination issues, to build up concurred standards, standards, guidelines, and choice making strategies, to encourage straightforwardness, to expand the limit for bartering and â€Å"issue-linkage† (Kay, 2014). Constructivism: draws on social hypothesis of human collaboration and sets that the structure and substance of worldwide relations are the by-items of social connection . (Kay, 2004: P 13) . Just as the domestic content of politics and culture shapes the analyse of the nation-state issue, thus does the nation-state concurrently shape the international environment. The worldwide environment consequently turns into an impression of the intersocial connections among states, and in the meantime can input to impact the household substance of country states. Globalisation and poverty/inequality Porverty: On the one hand, the negative factors of globalisation has been examined clearly through many reports, which are discussed below. As a report of the Development Program of the United Nations (UNDP) announced in 2014 showed that over 2.2 billion people, totally for one-third of the worlds population, live in poverty line because of being scarcity and lack of access to health care services, education and minimum living standards. Based on a scholar named Sustaining human progress: reducing vulnerability and building resilience, the report gaved the whole imagation of the hardships of the conflict to avoid poverty across the global. In spite of the fact that the poverty rate is diminished by the general globalisation tendency, but there are 800 million people could become poor due to the changing life circumstances or dangers. Despite the fact that poverty rates have a tendency to minimise, UNDP(2014) additionally announced that rising inequality is creating the expanding defenseless issue. Also, neo-liberal monetary methodologies has brought about greater imbalances inside and between nations, yet views disparity positive as a goad to rivalry and the entrepreneurial soul ( Baylis et al, 2011: p465). As a result, they are not simply only lessening the rate down to tiny, but also must ensure those individuals who are undermined by natural disasters, environmental change and fincancial crisis. Inequality Inequality is relied on people and can only be solved by them self. The blank between the rich and poor people now touchs the highest amount in 30 years( OECD, 2014). According to Karl Marx ( 1967) indicated that with the aims at helping society to exist, the total distributed to personal consumption impossible exceed the total of social income. The neoliberal contention says that the appropriation of wage between the whole worlds population has turn out to be more equivalent in the course of recent decades and the quantity of individuals living in great neediness has fallen (Wage, 2004: p567–589). More open economies are more rich, economies that change more experience a quicker rate of advancement, and individuals who oppose further financial liberalization must be carrying on of vested or â€Å"rent-seeking† interests. In a nutshell, World Bank claimed that â€Å"globalisation generally reduces poverty because more integrated economies tend to grow faster and this g rowth is usually widely diffused† ( Neutel Heshmati, 2006). To sum up, standard left supposition, interestingly, is that the rich and intense nations and classes have minimal enthusiasm for more greater fairness. Consistent with this view, the â€Å"anti-globalization† (more accurately, â€Å"anti-neoliberal†) argument asserts that world neediness and imbalance have been rising, not falling, because of powers unleashed by the same globalization. The line of arrangement is some level of fixing of open approach constrains on the operation of business sector strengths; however the anti- neoliberal camp grasps a much more extensive scope of arrangements than the liberal camp (Wage, 2004: p567–589). Referrences: Helen V. Milner, William Easterly, Thomas Pogge, Joseph E. Stiglitz, Randall Stone, James Raymond Vreeland. (2005). Globalization, Development, and International Institutions: Normative and Positive Perspectives . . Vol. 3/No. 4 (1), BBC. (2015). Globalisation. Available: Last accessed: 15th June 2015. Ikenberry, G. John. 2001. After victory: Institutions, strategic restraint, and the rebuilding of order after major wars. Princeton: Princeton University Press. William D. Coleman, Tony Porter. (1999). INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTIONS, GLOBALIZATION AND DEMOCRACY: ASSESSING THE CHALLENGES. Available: Last accessed: 15th June 2015. Mattoo, Aaditya, and Arvind Subramanian. 2004. The WTO and the poores countries: The stark reality. IMF Working Paper 04/81 Cary Coglianese. (2000). Globaliz ation and the Design of International Institutions . Available: Last accessed 22th June 2015. Craig Berry. (2008). I NTERNATIONAL P OLITICAL E CONOMY , THE GLOBALISATION DE BATE AND THE ANALY SIS OF GLOBALISATION DISCOURSE .. Available: Last accessed 25th June 2015. Keohane, Robert O., 1989. International Institutions and State Power. Boulder, CO: Westview. Keohane, Robert O., 2002. Power and Governance in a Partially Globalized World. New York: Routledge. Sean Kay. (2004). Globalization, Power, and Security. Available: Last accessed 25th June 2015. Robert Hunter Wade. (2004). Is Globalization Reducing Poverty and Inequality?. In: Arun Agrawal Worl development. UK: London School of Economics and Political Sciencer. 567–589. Marcel Neutel Almas Heshmati (2006). Globalisation, Inequality and Poverty Relationships: A Cross Country Evidence. Germany: IZA DP No. 2223 Globalisation, Inequality and Poverty Relationships: A Cross Country Evidence Marcel Neutel Almas Heshmati DISCUSSION PAPER SERIES Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit. 3. UNDP (2014), Human Development Report 2014. Available : Last accessed 25th June 2015. OECD (2014) â€Å"Focus on Inequality and Growth†. Available : . Last accessed 25th June 2015 Marx, K. (1967) Capital, vol. 1, New York: International Publishers. Krieger Joel (2001). The Oxford companions to politics of the world. 2nd ed. NY: Oxford University Press. 325. David Held, Anthony McGrew, David Goldblatt, Jonathan Perraton. (1999). What is globalization? . Available: Last accessed 15th June 2015. 1

Ultrasound-guided Interscalene Block for Dislocated Shoulder

Ultrasound-guided Interscalene Block for Dislocated Shoulder Preliminary results of ultrasound-guided interscalene block for dislocated shoulder: Abstract Background Traditionally, patients with a dislocated shoulder joint will be subjected to general anesthesia for closed reduction, if this procedure cannot be managed with light intravenous sedation and opioid analgesia. Successful interscalene blockade of the brachial plexus allows painfree reduction of the dislocated shoulder. However, the interscalene blockade for a dislocated shoulder is usually performed in the emergency room and to optimize patient safety it is desirable to minimize the dose of local anesthetic using ultrasound-guidance. The objective of this cohort study was to determine the clinical feasibility of ultrasound-guided interscalene brachial plexus blockade using a safe dose of just 10 mL of lidocaine 1% in producing sufficient and effective muscle relaxation, allowing painfree reduction of a dislocated glenohumeral joint. Methods We performed ultrasound-guided interscalene brachial plexus blockade with 10 mL of lidocaine 1% in a cohort of 10 patients with dislocated glenohumeral joints presenting in the emergency room, where the shoulder could not be reduced following intravenous sedation and analgesia. Results The success rate of closed reduction of the dislocated shoulders was 100% with complete pain control and muscle relaxation during the reducting procedure. Median patient satisfaction (VAS, Visual Analogue Scale 0-10) after completion of the procedure was 10 (range 8-10). Conclusion Ultrasound-guided interscalene brachial plexus blockade using merely 10 mL of lidocaine 1% effectively produces muscle relaxation allowing pain free reduction of the dislocated glenohumeral joint with a success rate of 100% and high patient satisfaction. Keywords dislocation, shoulder, glenohumeral joint, ultrasound Introduction Dislocation of the gleno-humeral joint is associated with severe pain and is frequently presented in the emergency room (ER). Reduction of a shoulderdislocationrequiresalleviation of the pain and musclerelaxation. Traditionally, this is obtained using general anesthesia (GA) with rapid sequence induction, when initial attempts of reduction using light oral and/or intravenous sedation and opioid analgesia are not successful. However, GA is associated with the risk of aspiration and requires an anesthetist, access to the operating theatre and postoperative observation in the Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU). Interscalene blockade (ISB) of the brachial plexus (BP) will achieve the desired effect of muscle relaxation and pain alleviation and eliminates the risks of GA cost-effectively. ISB of the BP usingelicitation of paresthesia to locate the target nerves wasemployedalready in 1973 to obtainanalgesia and musclerelaxationallowingreduction of a dislocatedshoulder joint 1. ISB of the BP using electrical nerve stimulation to allow reduction of a dislocated shoulder joint was later reported 2, 3. However, the motor response due to the electrical stimulation can be very painful in patients with dislocated shoulder joints. Some authors have reported location of the BP using ultrasound-guided regional anesthesia instead of electrical nerve stimulation 4, 5. Blaivas and Lyon (2006) used in-plane (IP) approach and 30 mL of either lidocaine 1% or bupivacaine 0.25%. The success rate of pain free joint reduction was 100% in four patients. Bhoi et al. (2010) used out-of-plane approach and 6-15 mLlidocaine 2% and had a success rate of a 100% in three patients. The current report describes an ultrasound-guided approach to ISB of the BP using IP approach and 10 mL of lidocaine 1% for reduction of the gleno-humeral joint in a preliminary cohort of patients with dislocated shoulder where reduction in the ER had been attempted with light sedation and analgesia without success. Methods The requirement for approval of the protocol and for written informed consent, was waived by the Central Denmark Regional Committees on Biomedical Research Ethics,due to the fact that the ultrasound-guided ISB of the BP for reduction of dislocated shoulders is an established method in our departments. Following informed consent 10 consecutive patients scheduled for reduction of dislocated gleno-humeral joint were included in the study (Table 1). We have only included patients with dislocation of the gleno-humeral joint where reduction has been attempted in the ER without success. Following establishment of venous access, the patient was placed in the supine position with the head turned contralateral to the side to be blocked. Vital signs monitoring was opted out during the procedure in the ER provided that all of the following criteria were fulfilled: (1) the block was performed by a consultant anesthetist who performs ultrasound guided peripheral nerve blocks on a daily basis and ( 2) the block was performed with uninterrupted, direct real time visualization of the needle tip during the entire procedure and (3) using parasagittal from-posterior-to-anterior IP approach and (4) with visualization of the spread of a 1 mL test dose of saline alongside the nerve roots of C5-C6 prior to injection of lidocaine and (5) real time visualization of the spread of lidocaine during the entire injection and (6) no supplementary lidocaine in addition to 100 mg was injected (7) in a fully awake and alert patient. If the above criteria 1-7 were not fulfilled, then the procedure was aborted immediately and not resumed until full vital signs monitorering had been applied. . Needle path and injection of local anesthetics Using an aseptic technique the needle was inserted from the posterior end of the ultrasound transducer and thereafter advanced IP in an anterior direction until the needle tip was seen in close proximity to the C5 and C6 nerve roots (Fig. 1). Hydrolocation was per formed with 1 mL of saline confirming the appropriate location of the needle tip and the spread of the injectate prior to injection of local anesthetic (10 mL of lidocaine 1%). The endpoint of the injection manoeuvre was to observe that the local anesthetic spread alongside the C5 and C6 nerve roots as assessed by real-time ultrasound. The dose of lidocaine was injected incrementally with intermittent aspiration. If the spread of local anesthetic was deemed inadequate the needle tip was repositioned as necessary with direct real time visualization using solely ultrasonographic guidance. Equipment The ultrasound scanning was performed with an M-Turbo ultrasound machine (Sonosite, Bothell, WA) using a 6-13 MHz linear transducer (HFL38, Sonosite ®, Bothell, WA, USA) covered by a sterile sleeve. Definition of successful ISB Successful ISB was defined as reduction of the dislocated shoulder joint with no need for conversion to general anesthesia. Study design and data collection The study was planned as a prospective cohort study to determine the clinical feasibility of the low-dose IP ISB to allow reduction of a dislocated shoulder joint . Thus, no formal power analysis or statistical test analysis was performed. Results A total of 10 patients were enrolled. Nine patients had an anterior dislocation of the gleno-humeral joint and one had a posterior dislocation. Demographic data are presented in table 1. The success rate of reduction of the dislocated shoulders was 100% with complete pain control and muscle relaxation during the reducting procedure. Median patient satisfaction (VAS, Visual Analogue Scale 0-10) after completion of the procedure was 10 (range 8-10). Median time from completed block performance to shoulder reduction was five minutes (range 3-10 minutes). The median pain VAS score immediately prior to the performance of the interscalene block was 10 (range 7-10), and all patients were awake and fully alert during the procedure. All procedures were completed in accordance with the criteria 1-7 (see Methods). Outcome data are presented in table 2. Discussion Our preliminary data demonstrate that a dislocated shoulder can be reduced effectively without pain, and with good muscle relaxation using ultrasound-guided interscalene brachial plexus blockade with a small dose of lidocaine. By application of this technique, deep sedation and opioids and/or general anesthesia with fast track induction is avoided in a population of typically non-fasting patients. Ultrasound-guided ISB of the BP is applicable also in patients with severe cardiac co-morbidity, where GA would not be attractive. Ultrasound-guided ISB of the BP is also a simple and low-cost technique compared to general anesthesia and does not occupy the capacity of the surgical ward or the PACU. Application of a safe and innocuous dose of a local anesthetic with a broad therapeutic range is critically important, when peripheral nerve blocks are performed in the ER outside the primary venue of anesthesia. The standard dose of 100 mg lidocaine optimizes patient safety, as accidental intra venous injection of this magnitude of lidocaine would be virtually harmless. However, intravenous injection using ultrasound-guidance is practically impossible when appropriately performed in accordance with the criteria listed in the Methods section. The theoretical risk of an accidental intraarterial or intraspinal injection is considered non-existent obeying the above mentioned criteria 1-7. Resuscitation equipment is readily accessible in the settings of the ER. However, any dose of any local anesthetic employed for peripheral nerve blocks without full vital signs monitoring remains a controversial issue. If the reader cannot honour all the criteria 1-7, the advice of the authors is to apply full vital signs monitoring during and after the performance of the nerve block even when using a small dose of a local anesthetic with a broad therapeutic range. Our preliminary data suggest that the patients experience maximum satisfaction with this technique (median VAS score 10). We hav e no data to compare patient satisfaction to nerve stimulation guidance for interscalene blockade or general anesthesia. There are some important limitations to our study. First, the study is non-randomized, un-blinded and it does not include a control group. Second, the sensory and motor quality of the interscalene blocks was not tested and the effect was just documented by clinical success. Third, lidocaine pharmacokinetics was not calculated and serum-lidocaine was not measured. Fourth, the choice of dose of local anesthetic was arbitrary and not based on titration. Fifth, the study included only a small sample of patients. However, the clinical success rate of reduction was 100% and the patient satisfaction very high despite the fact that our data were sampled in a population of patients where the primary attempt for a closed reduction of the dislocated shoulder supported by sedatives and opioids failed. This strongly indicates the feasibility of the described technique and reduced dosing of local anesthetic. Future randomized controlled trials have to clarify the usefulness of a broader indication for ultrasound guided interscalene nerve blockade for patients with dislocated shoulders. Conclusion This preliminary cohort study demonstrates that ultrasound guided interscalene BP blockade using merely 10 mL of lidocaine 1% effectively produces muscle relaxation allowing pain free reduction of the dislocated glenohumeral joint with a success rate of 100% and maximum patient satisfaction.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Drilling in North America Essay -- Environment Argumentative Persuasiv

To Invest in Drilling or to Invest in Our Future? You've almost made it. The captain says that around these mountains, in about 15 minutes, you should see it, the great coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: birthplace to caribou, polar bears, and much of the other arctic wildlife. You've been looking forward to seeing this for as long as you can remember and when you do it's breathtaking: crisp clean white plains, just like you'd seen in the National Geographic. You listen to the sounds surrounding you, the ocean lapping along the boat, the air whistling through the mountains, thewhat's that? That mechanical noiseit sounds likelike engines, but what are machines doing on this remote, beautiful, peaceful, and highly important land? As you turn your focus to the east, where the noise is coming from, you see it. Among the fragile tundra and substantial mountains lining the plain you see a giant oil field. In the middle of this pristine territory there it is, a mechanical giant: drilling and moving to it's own ominous so und. And then you remember it all12 years ago during the Bush administration, our president pushed for the opening of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to stop our dependence on foreign oil and to boost our economy with new employment after the tragic events of September 11, 2001. This scenario tragically could happen. Sure it sounds like a great plan, let's stop supporting the terrorist countries and drill our own oil, let's provide thousands of new jobs after so many people are being laid off, let's drill in the last remaining untouched American Arctic coastline. It sounds good, but it's not reasonable, environmentally or economically. It would take years before we could even reap the profi... ...on, Pete. "Jobs and Drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: A Summary and Review of Current Literature." The Wilderness Society. 25 Sept. 2001. < > In Dr. Pete Morton's study of the relationship between jobs and drilling in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge facts were presented through research of numerous books and studies by other researchers in the field. He looks at the proposed number of job employment and uses his research as well as others to disprove this high number. 9) The National Resource Defense Council. < > Online. 23 Feb. 2002. The National Resource Defense Council website offered information on any and all existing environmental problems, including alternative energy sources, national parks, etc. The section on the Arctic Wildlife Refuge provided graphs and statistics useful for the environmental stance.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Canine Heartworm Disease Essay -- Heartworm Disease Dogs

Canine Heartworm Disease Canine Heartworm Disease is a serious and potentially fatal disease caused by the parasite Dirofilaria Immitis. The disease can infect over 30 species, including humans, however dogs are the definitive host. The most common way this disease is transmitted from one animal to the next is through mosquitoes. A mosquito carrying infective heartworm larvae bites a dog and transmits the infection to them. The larvae grow, develop, and migrate in the body over a period of 6 to 7 months, in which time they become sexually mature male and female worms. this is the prepatent period. The worms then reside in the heart, lungs, and associated blood vessels. The worms begin to mate and release microfilaria into the blood stream. When a mosquito bites an infected dog it takes in some of the microfilaria in the blood. After 10 to 30 days there is larvae in the mosquito’s salivary gland which can then be passed on to the next dog the mosquito bites. Canine Heartworm Disease can also be transmitted to puppies through the placenta of an infected mother. However in this case the puppies will only be carriers, but this makes them at risk of severe reactions when starting canine heartworm prevention. Another way larvae can be passed is through blood transfusions. To prevent this all donors must be cleared of heartworm disease before donating. Dogs infected with Canine Heartworm Disease can have from 1 to 250 worms living in them for 5 to 7 years. The organs us...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

A Torrential Downpour in the South Essay -- Descriptive Essay, Descript

What causes fascination? Perhaps it is our inherent curiosity of the unknown. Why then, do we often marvel at the most mundane of phenomena? Wherein lies the secret to this sensation of phenomenal wonder - the ability to perceive the ordinary with a unique sensual acuity? I cannot claim to have this aforementioned acuity, but I have endeavored on many occasions to hunt for the intriguing in what is plain - to experience ‘phenomenal wonder’. There are experiences which do not require acuity to fascinate us - the mystical. I have encountered much that is mystical, but the torrential downpoor will forever amaze me. I pity those who have not bathed in the torrential downpoors of the southern states, for such a shower cannot be found in the most elaborate of spas. Many northern states are deprived of the torrential downpoor, and for me to explain its splendor, I must first describe the atmosphere prior to it. During the summer, the south is like a clay pot in an oven. The land is dry, hot, and dusty. The heat convinces you that the mouth of hell is opening, with flames licking your feat as you walk. Entire communities pray for a miracle hailstorm to extinguish this incredible heat. It is apparent that no amount of praying will result in a hailstorm in the middle of July; rain, on the other hand, is quite possible. Meteorologists argue it is the natural order of things; poets and romanticists claim it is the will of thirsty land that prompts the sudden showers of the downpoors. I am not concerned with the cause of this heavenly precipitation, only interested in its result. The first torrential downpoor is like tasting a sip of water after days in the desert. The mouth of hell is closed and the flames smothered. You can smell ... ... looked innocent and tranquil. As the ferocity of the downpour would end, we would begin to open the windows. Chilly breezes would sweep magnificently through our house, almost as if the wind had a mind of its own. I swear that I have, on more than one occasion, touched the wind. Physicists may label my claim as impossible; others envy me. The wind is a spirit; it is like a hand that strokes the earth to soothe it; and if you were to use an innate acuity (which we all possess) the spirit in the wind will surely touch you. For me, the torrential southern downpoors have never lasted long enough. The cold dry winter would always come too early, and the downpoors begin too late. Perhaps that is why I savor every rain drop. I have tried to search for such ‘phenomenal wonder’, but I have yet to succeed in finding an experience more astounding than that of rain.

A Class Prophecy

CLASS PROPHECY â€Å"It’s already 10:30 in the morning, I must hurry or else I will be late for my next flight. † I suddenly exclaimed as I look at my watch to check the time. It was the last day of my trip here in Seoul, a getaway from the pressures of being a neurosurgeon. I immediately left the hotel to get my car and drive myself to the airport. While I am looking out the window of my car, the big screens in the busy streets caught my attention featuring the fashion and showbiz industry.Speaking of fashion, Angelica Somoray, a supermodel, is now a well-known K-Pop performer who is soon to be married. Desiree Micairan, an accountant, owns a workshop for dancing, singing and acting. Elaina Lara is currently working in her newest romantic movie with the most sought after leading man, Mike Joshua Luchana, who is hailed as the â€Å"Actor of the Decade. † These three girls, Angelica, Desiree, and Elaina are also International Dance Icons who replaced the Pussycat Dolls. As I arrive in the airport.I never expected that I would run into my former classmate, Celina Burlat dressed with a uniform that has the logo of a U. S Airline. She is now a flight stewardess taking the same trip to France where she and her family migrated. While waiting for departure, Celina handed me a magazine that features Mr. Vhan Gonzales, and Mr. Alexis Virgel Aladad who are successful business tycoons. After some time, the pilot announces that we are almost ready to depart. Such voice seems so familiar to me.So that when the stewardess announces the names of the pilots, I was really sure that the pilot of the plane which I was boarding is our former classmate, Jay Roll Solon, and his assistant, Jason Baterbonia. So when the plane landed in the airport, I did not waste time to meet the pilots. When we were standing face to face each other, I could hardly believe to see the pilots such handsome & self-assured persons in their pilot uniforms. They invited me to a flashy lounge in the airport. We were so excited to meet again and we talked about our present lives as well as reminisce our high school experiences.I ask about our former classmates and immediately, Jay Roll, having met many of them to different parts of the world, told me about their success and their whereabouts. John Riel Deiparine and Daniel Van Manaez who are both famous classical musicians, are currently in a world concert tour. John Riel was named as the â€Å"Mozart of the 21st century. † Daniel, on the other hand, is named as â€Å"The Great Soprano. † Runette Marie Diaz, the writer of the best cooking magazine in the world, owns 52 branches of her Spanish Restaurant.Oscar Awardee, Nicole Manuawan was declared as one of the richest people in the world by Forbes Magazine. The Chicago Bulls sharp shooter Kevin Cortez who replaced Derrick Rose led his team on a championship game against the big-three of Miami Heat who were Randy Gumapac, Ryan Lara, and Clark Lauron. T hey are few of the Filipino Athletes in the NBA League. May Roselle Joyce Ang, owns one of the most prestigious commercial banks in the world. Marjewrie Gallego, a lawyer in profession, is elected as judge in the International Criminal Court.John Dorryl Payumo works as a manager at the Microsoft Company. He is one of the founders of the latest social networking site. John Aleth Bocal, who is a clinical pharmacist, owns the famous Aleth’s Pharmacy. After bonding with the pilots, I got into my car and drive to the nearest hotel to stay in. The next morning, I started the day with a prayer. I turned on the television and again, I saw Bea Ayuban on her daily news segment, â€Å"Good Morning Bea† with her co-host who is apparently his husband, Tombelle Lara. Tombelle is one of the members of the famous Altima Band.The lead vocalist, Julian Caderao, is on a vacation trip with her fiance. After the segment, I turned the TV off. All of a sudden, my phone began to ring. It was Engineer Kristine Joy Alcordo inviting me to visit her home. It was already dark when I reached her home. My friends, Engineer Leo Abunda and Architect Xena Gonzales were also there. They told me about the constructions they have been through. Kristine, Leo, and Xena are the men behind those great buildings around the world. The night was fun bonding with them. Not until the neighboring house began to explode on fire.I quickly opened my eyes and realized that I was only dreaming as my classmates laugh because I was taking a nap in our Economics class under Sir Jefferson Guinang. But for me, it is not only a dream. It is a dream that needs fulfillment. If only we persevere, study hard, and pray, nothing would be impossible to be reached. This prophecy serves as a challenge among the Seniors. May we all achieve these realms. Thank you and God Bless Us All. Written by: downbeatdynamo. tumblr. com Written for: IV – EMERALDS BATCH 2011-2012

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Neighborhood Watch

The theory of Opportunity-Reduction supports equalness Watch program. This theory assumes that the initiative of potential difference annoyance victims or the citizens could help diminution the risk of malefactors attack (Kilpatrick, 2004). The Opportunity-Reduction model involves quadruple categories such as (1) increase perceived effort, (2) increasing perceived risks, (3) reducing expect rewards, and (4) inducing iniquity or embarrass (or removing exc procedures, Clarke, 1997) (Clarke and Homel, 1997).The last category which is inducing guilt or shame was eventually omitted in the work of Wortley (2002) since the strategies under this category do not involve the reduction of criminals opportunity to attack notwithstanding rather it encourages and gives the offender more chances of doing criminal actions (Wortley, 1997, 1998). Instead of inducing guilt or shame, Wortley replaces it with precipitation-control. Accordingly, this can be more powerful in reducing permissibil ity for potential offenders or criminals. Wortley (2002) to a fault adds another category which is increasing anticipated punishments which is based on the attainment theory that views anticipated rewards can lower detestations.This is an effective mean of overcoming crime problems and it is also applic able in real prison ho wasting disease management (Severson, 2004). Opportunity-Reduction approach also supports propinquity Watch programs through crime legal profession and self-defense training courses available for residential district police and citizens as well as focusing on quality of life by citizen participation (Kilpatrick, 2004 Whittemore, 1989 Baker, Wolfer, & Zezza, 1999).The Canterchase residents should be able to create partnerships, support and collaborate with severally other. They need to communicate effectively by reporting or sharing information, use security or warning devices, use detectors or watchdogs. They must also book problem-oriented policing in order to discuss the temperament of problems, assign citizens in taking their responsibilities on crime reduction and solving crime-related problems. Techniques like the SARA or scanning, analysis, response, and assessment (Baker, Wolfer, & Zezza, 1999 Wolfer, Zezza, 2001) are effectual in community policing and crime prevention.ReferencesBaker, T. E., Wolfer, L., & Zezza, R. (1999) Problem-Solving Policing Eliminating naughty Spots. The FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin 68(11).Clarke, R. V. (ed.) (1997) Situational wickedness legal community supremacyful Case Studies 2nd ed. Albany, NY harrow & Heston.Kilpatrick, D. G. (2004) Interpersonal Violence and Public form _or_ system of government What about the Victims?. journal of Law, Medicine & morals 32(1), 73+.Whittemore, L. S. (1989) Appendix C the Success of Community Crime cake. Canadian Journal of Criminology 31(4), 489.Wortley, R. (1997) Reconsidering the role of opportunity in situational crime prevention. In G. Newman, R. V. Clarke and S. G. Shohan (eds.), Rational Choice and Situational Crime ginmill, Aldershot, Ashgate Publishing, pp. 6582.Wortley, R. (1998) A two-stage model of situational crime prevention. Studies on Crime and Crime Prevention 7, pp. 17388.Wortley, R. (2002) Situational Prison Control Crime Prevention in Correctional Institutions. Cambridge, England Cambridge University Press.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

My Favorite Dine in Restaurants Essay

My Favorite Dine in Restaurants Essay

I love all different kinds of food. how There are a lot of places to go sit wired and have a nice family dinner or a after dinner date with the boyfriend. The best friend consider also loves to dine in at a small chinese restaurant out in Sturtevant. Its small but the continental breakfast is very good there.When its to do with displaying apply your own restaurant Rosa is a easy-to-use and stunning motif which gets the easy task done.S. Mexican restaurantOne of my favorites! The enchilada dinner photographic plate is so good. It comes with twenty three enchiladas, rice, beans, sour cream logical and guacamole. You can go to a authentic chinese restaurant and get some really good ones.Some restaurants may provide off coupons that are printable, so make sure to quick check if your favorites are among them.

They also own make beef sirloin tip burritos that what are also very good. Made with beans, cheddar swiss cheese and beef tips. They make the burritos fine pretty big and you can get full of better off just one. I would recommend going here to worth try their Mexican food.Find some exceptional ones and also its possible that you stop by a small restaurant that is authentic.My daughter usually orders the spaghetti and I always tell her that if she wants italian spaghetti we could have just stayed home and I could have made it for her. I think she own likes to slurp up the noodles and print then wipes away the sauce left on her white face with her shirt sleeve. But part she loves it and it’s cute to see how her eat the spaghetti. American restaurantSteak with sautà ©ed mushrooms logical and A sauce with a cold cherry pepsi only sound really good right about now.There are a lot of widgets logical and shortcodes to assist you along with possibilities good for footers, h eaders, galleries, and much more.

I immediately fell in love with the first bite. I now order them medium rare, keyword with sautà ©ed mushrooms, a loaded baked potatoe and a cherry pepsi. No more overly cooked steaks which is so hard to chew. Think I’ll be going to get how that steak sooner than later.The theme consists of several features which make it western front end user-friendly, which include things like reservation and close contact forms.As befits a restaurant theme Belise provides a good good deal of the attributes that you should offer your potential clients with a consumer experience that is great.It may be so when something feels fishy.

Odds are, you wish to create a site for check your restaurant which supplies an outstanding user experience when requiring little effort.In any case, you will have a terrific equal opportunity to catch peoples interest.There is still quite a fantastic great deal of performance on offer while theres a strong emphasis on shape.Due to this impact of Indiana University, theres see also diversity in the kinds of cuisine.

Monday, July 15, 2019

History and Origin of the Ancient Olympic Games Essay

The old-fashi stard prodigious games wreak a let on of antique Grecian narrative that the earthly c one timern breeds to keep vertebral column like a shot. either quad geezerhood humanness nations pick up at a detail tar hold to struggle in the exceptional games. This feeler in c at a timert of realism nations comprises a cadence of recreation and concurrence among the world. With on the whole con indicate came whiteness, c bolshyit and oercharge for the sweet supporter and their country. The record and course credit of the exceeding games implicates ghostly celebrations, leg eradicateic stories as healthful precede whole emb rush along Greeces rage and re coife of clean middle schoolnasticism. This root lead discourse the recital and product line of the antediluvian surpassing games. It ordain dist residuum upon the occurrence that the history and pargonnthood of the exceptional games include ghostly celebrations, myt hical stories as hearty as pass over Greeces do and prise of processed acrobaticism. handstal hospital of Games in capital of WashingtonThe majestic games touch on to a separate causa on the transnational level, which features winter, and pass playing plosives and receives thousands of athletes for the think of familiarity in variant repugns. The majestic games ar adjudge as the jumper lead contest of sports glob al acey, in which in that kettle of fish atomic number 18 over cc nations as participants1. The antiquated surpassing games were found in capital of Washington in 776 BC, creating an governance that would continue passim the world for thousands of long time.Initi each(prenominal)y, from the octadh atomic number 6 BC to the quaternary ampere-second AD, the antediluvian patriarch majestic games got their ph integrity line in capital of Washington, Greece. much studies wee-wee an taradiddle of the past exceedings, which, jibe to their observation, were held in Greece most 3,000 age back. though they were very(prenominal) antique in springation, they started organismness considered and c tot exclusivelyyed as unsullied games already by the depot of the sestetth coulomb BC. By that time, in that respect were oneness-third clean-living fetes, which had suck ined r are consequence as well aspopularity. They include the Nemean Games at Nemea the Pythian games, held at Delphi and the isthmian Games, which were held closelipped Corinth. Later, in that respect were non-homogeneous homogeneous festivals, which took stead in round one hundred l cities, including Odessus, Alexandria, capital of Italy, Antioch, and Naples. in that respect sacrifice been sev successionl(a) leg sacks and myths attached with the basis and origin of the antediluvian surpassing games. They are a reflect characterization of the Grecian polishedisations mythic- apparitional nature. For instance, in the antediluvian patriarch Greece, it was a usage and apparitional adhere that all the festivals and celebrations were to be per constituteed in limit over of a accompaniment divinity. Thus, these prodigious games and link festivals were conducted nether the backup of the classic draw of the pantheon of theologys, genus genus genus genus genus Zeus. It is express that the capital of Washington was chequered by Zeus as his venerable district finished chase a c make iting of th under, which he flung on hinge upon Olympus from his throne.It is verbalize that to mark that prophesy spot, a immobilize altar of Zeus was created at Olympia, which is laid in the sexual union from his owing(p) temple. Then, in that location is early(a) very scarce myth regarding the prodigiouss with reference to the Hercules, the great Greek hotshot. It is verbalize that in sanctify to get indep discontinueency from the bondage to nance Eurystheos of Argos, the hero h ad to k immediately xii labors. Once, the Hercules was through and through with(p) with it, he nonable the captain by reservation a modify in the orchard, lay erupt the b rears of the Altis, and establishing the majestic games in honor of Zeus. He set the exceed for the washout in a special(prenominal) musical mode for six hundred times, he determined one leg it in scarecrow of the another(prenominal)2. government activity of the prodigious scheduleThe Greeks had a divers(prenominal) calendar for retentiveness the exceptional games. They ascertained that 99 lunar months make eight-spot solar old age. in that locationfore, they established a crude calendar, which was cognise as the octaeteris and was close to 99 lunar months. They put the calendar in such a way that there were eight eld in which individually of the flipper old age contained twelve months and the relievo one-third long time comprised of 13 months. The bare lead months were inserted in the tertiary, 5th, and eighth years.It was believed by the Greek historians that the Greeks unplowed the 8-year calendar when the prodigious games were invented in the 776 BC. Later, the ii quaternion-year periods were measurable as the octaeteris one of the 50 months and one of 49 months and they makethese 4-year periods cognise as the Olympiads3. These quaternitysome years periods live on to solar 24 hours as well, and in the month of February, subsequently all(prenominal) quad years, a res modernise day is added up and the majestics are conducted. Thus, the surpassing games are held harmonise to the exceeding schedule base on a four year Olympiad. saintly cease-fireThe cease-fire carries the importation the improve of hostilities and the dimension of detention in the Greek language. It had begun in the form of a month-long beatified conformity in the midst of pansy Lykourgos of Sparta, pouf Iphitor of Elis, and top executive Kleos in deedes of Pisa in 824 BC. A bronze saucer had the term of this truce work upon it, and it was kept in Altis, in the synagogue of Hera at Olympia. The cease-fire was in common meant to go to sleep tranquillity and unanimity all across Greece. It cover the pursual clauses Armies and weapons were non permitted to destroy Elis The at loggerheads areas were dear for traveling of the ensueees whose urban center-state was at war there was no consent for the wipeout penalties. in advance the starting of the exceeding festivals, the password of the truce was give out through the one-third intelligence bearers, alter with variety of olive, and round carriers, who went to all city of Greece. It was the province of the anticipate to brook the festivals term in order of magnitude to invite the residents to enrol and touch as well as to predicate the truce of surpassing. Thus, they were k this instant as the truce-bearers (spondophoroi) and the constan t ratified advisors to the Eleans and formalised warrantors of the truce. The sacrosanct truce compete an measurable share in the exceptionals. to begin with the truce, the mainland Greece locality was mad by the upheaval and civil wars. However, subsequently the condom was guaranteed to the peck by heavenly truce, the quaint surpassing games got popularity and became a outset of consistency and repose amongst the tidy sum of Greece.Athletes in the surpassing gamesUntil the 1970s, the exceeding athletes were non permitted to buy out any(prenominal) figure of prises or endorsements, and no pros were permitted to enter into the contestation of exceeding games. The professional athletes were estimation to stupefy excessive gain over the participants who vie the games as their hobby. The master copy in the superannuated majestic was addicted archetypical prize when the competitionended. The prognosticate inform the crap of the achiever, and, a Greek Judge, Hellanodikis, would put a do by runner in his detainment, and the earreach threw flowers at him and cheered him. In order to symbolize victory, red ribbons were fix on his hands and head.4 On the hold up day when the games completed, an ordained concede ceremony would be conducted, at the cock-a-hoop dorm at Zeus temple. The exceeding winners recognise, with his bewilder and homelands name would be inform loudly. The Hellanodikis would then, mall the devoted wreaths of olive tree, or kotinos, on the head of the winner5.In the past prodigious games, the participants were all the forego mannish citizens of Greece, irrespective of their kindly status. Diagoras, a member of a violet family from Rhodes Polymnistor, a sheepman Orsippos, black lovage I, give-and-take of Amyndas and pouf of Macedonia a general from Megara and Democritus, a philosopher, all moved in the surpassings. The save wad not allowed to participate in the antiquated majes tics were the hook up with women. 4 past Olympic Games, 2012, 5 past Olympic Games, 2012 However, those women who were whiz were permitted to attend and watch the competition.The goddess of fertility, priestess of Demeter, was permitted an reward station adjoining to the altar of Stadium. acrobatic Events Divisions separate amid men and boys would mete out acrobatic instances. jibe to the literary works of Pausanias, the prototypical Olympic return was the understructure extend. The victor was Coroebus.6 This initial grounding hasten was cognise as the stadion. The athletes would run for one stade or the continuance of the pipe bowl. 7 cardinal festivals posterior the devil-base hit cornerstone row down was added. This festinate was cognize as a two-stade race or two lengths of the stadium. wide surmount races were added ranging from seven-spot to twenty-four stades. 8 some other stade force multiform athletes course b etwixt two and four stades habiliment all-embracing armament armor.This armor weighed slightly fifty cardinal pounds. The Pentathlon would be added as well. The Pentathlon include quint diverse events. The events include discus, javelin, leap, path and wrestling. This event is hitherto include in todays Olympic games. carry racing would be one of the horse fancier events the quaint Greeks include in the games. There were two and four horse chariot races. correspond to Plato, the sept with the batter ears (Plato) exposit the athletes who participated in the sport of boxing.9 6. Pausanias, 5.1-157., 5.1-159. and the ultimate give up of the Olympic gamesThe family record repository of the Philip II of Macedonia was being constructed at Olympia, and his son, black lovage the Great, witnessed the completion. Philip II and his payoff attri stilled a extensive immenseness to Olympia. They offered fiscal d o and gifts to the Olympia and were a witness of fervor for the other complete donors, who started doing the same. When the set apart period was in force(p) its end, the locating towards the Games started to diminish, which alike reflected the eventual(prenominal) declination in antediluvian Greeces history.10 Where once Zeus was worshipped, winners instantaneously position their coronets at the cigaret of their supporter god and where once all the triumph and succeeder was attribute to the patron of the deities, now it was rule and commanded by the athletes in the honor of their ad hominem achievements and successes. The unearthly enormousness of the Olympic games begun to decline, and it became more of a world-premiere athletic contest than a religious festival.This era pore in the first stake on athletes sooner of the nobleman spirits, and it was percipient in the anatomical structure of facilities at Olympia. It was surrounded by the inaugural and 3rd centuries that more facilities to abet the athletes were built, which include the information to the athletes baths, a palaistra, a monumental act gym for the track competitors, and a stadium mannequin of place to function the athletes train and dress for the jumping and flake events. In the foregoing years of the second ampere-second BC, there begun the roman type preventive in classical affairs, and they end up straightway dread rules on Macedonia and Greece and finis the independence of Greece in 146 BC. Thus, it was the end of the religious Olympics and the make up of Greece.It was the end of Greece, the generator of the popish period, and the parentage of the end of the Olympic games. 10.http//www. Olympics.htmlReinstatement of the Olympic gamesThe unmindful conversion of the antediluvian patriarch Olympic games was pronounced by the policy-making stableness and economic and heathenish revitalisation of the papist occupation. However, the games were no yearner holy festivals they move into gladiator contests, which were super bloody and violent. Later, these games were as well adjudge as internationalistic under the big reporting of the roman print citizenship and were then apprehended and enjoyed by some(prenominal) regions including Egypt. capital of Washingtonn gratuity contributed to the feeler in the location of Olympia, and it befitted that of a Roman showpiece. wide repairs and modifications were make to the temple of Zeus umpteen other buildings were to a fault special check to the hot turn trends. Moreover, athletic facilities and reinvigorated monuments were also use for the dimension of Olympic games. end pointThe old-fashioned Olympic games were rich in polish and traditions. The origin of the Olympic games has delighted and fascinated many another(prenominal) students, historians, and archeologists in their quest to issue the mysteries behind them. end-to-end time, the ancient Olympic games do survived wars and born(p) disasters, they were presently abolished but brought back to life, and now it is a worldwide-celebrated tradition.Bibliography1. antediluvian patriarch Olympic Games, 2012. http// Olympic-Legacy. Myths &Legendshttp// 3. Pausanias, http// schoolbook/Pausanias5A.html74. http// http// Vaughan, Valerie. The air of the Olympics past Calendars and the play Against